PM Modi, while addressing a gathering in Tamil Nadu's Tirunelveli, said the DMK government pasted China's sticker to take "false credit" for ISRO's facility.
Radhakrishnan said that officials missed a mistake made by those who designed the advertisement.
“A small mistake has been made in the newspaper advertisement given by us regarding the setting up of a rocket launch pad in the Kulasekarapatnam area,” he told ANI on Thursday.
“The image of the Chinese flag in the advertisement welcoming Prime Minister Narendra Modi was a mistake by those who designed the advertisement, which went unnoticed by us,” he added.
PM Modi slammed Tamil Nadu government
On Wednesday, PM Modi, while addressing a gathering in Tamil Nadu's Tirunelveli, said the DMK government pasted China's sticker to take "false credit" for ISRO's facility in Tamil Nadu.
"DMK is a party that does not work but stands ahead to take false credit. These people paste their stickers on our schemes. Now they have crossed the limits, they have pasted China's sticker to take credit for the ISRO launch pad in Tamil Nadu," he had said.